Woodcocks' Well Brief History

Woodcocks' Well School was built in 1858, this surprisingly was 17 years before the St.Luke's just across the road. Until the church was built, the school itself was used as a church as the log book shows. But how did the school inherit its strange name. The School was positioned an equal distance for children to travel both up and down bank. Any one who has walked up Woodcock Lane or Church Street (formerly "The Bank") will appreciate this.

There was a well nearby called Woodcocks' Well; this was marked by two stones at the brow of the hill opposite the farm. These have now been removed or covered.

The surrounding countryside was quite well wooded and had a lot of marshland, ideal for the small game bird the Woodcock, these would presumably come to the well in the evening and drink from the flowing spout and eat insects from the ditches.

This window lintel has the date the school was built.